We wtorkowe przedpołudnie 16 grudnia klasy 2d oraz 1d brały udział w warsztatach językowych będących częścią międzynarodowego projektu „Nauka bez Granic”. Tym razem postanowiliśmy zgłębić temat: „Britain: Festivals and Traditions”, bo jak wiadomo ucząc się języka obcego należy także poznawać elementy kultury . Zajęcia były prowadzone przez charyzmatycznego wykładowcę z Manchesteru (UK), który angażował Kostkowiczów w ćwiczenia. Było dużo śmiechu i dobrej zabawy a to wszystko w trakcie nauki! – da się 🙂
On the 16th of December classes 1d and 2d, our English teacher and our head teacher went to a workshop about festivals and traditions in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
The man that ran the workshop was from Manchester in the UK. He was very funny.
At the very beginning we started talking about Easter. We found out that the word came from Old English. We could see some photos on a very well prepared presentation. After that we were divided into two groups: boys against girls. There was a small quiz and unfortunately neither of the groups won. In the next competition one girl and one boy were picked. They had to push a plastic egg straight ahead using a spoon. That competition was won by the girls’ team. The remaining time of the workshop was spent on talking about Christmas, Halloween, Pancake Day and some other traditions that are observed in these English-speaking countries. There were about three other different boys-against-girls competitions. Towards the end of the meeting we sang Christmas carols and read in the Welsh dialect.
It was really fun to learn some new things about traditions in other countries. I hope we are going to have more such workshops this year.
Inga Łach kl. 1d