4.10 wybraliśmy się na spektakl teatralny w języku angielskim, pt. „Oliver Twist” http://www.english-theatre.cz/oliver%20twist.html .  Adaptację powieści Karola Dickensa mogliśmy podziwiać w imponujących wnętrzach nowego teatru muzycznego Variete.


A oto relacje uczestników:

On the 4th day of October language classes went to the Variété Theater  to see a performance Olivier Twist. The play was based on Charles Dickens’s novel. The story takes place in England, but we don’t know the exact time. The tale is about a little boy who is an orphan. Olivier is placed in an orphanage which is in poor condition; it’s very cold there, children don’t have anything to eat. On his 9th birthday Oliver was transported to a criminal group which members pretend to be in charge of a new school. The performance took almost two hours. We liked it very much. The actors had a sense of humour, that was cool! The play was in English, nevertheless most of students understood it. It was a very interesting experience. We hope, we will be able to watch more performances like this one, because it helps in learning English 🙂
Daniel Kowalówka 3D

Zofia Nazim, nauczyciel języka angielskiego


Maria Michalik, nauczyciel języka angielskiego i niemieckiego


Paula Gorgoń-Fultyn, nauczyciel języka angielskiego


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