W ramach Dnia otwartego zawitali do Kostki także goście z zagranicy. Czteroosobowa delegacja z Włoskiej organizacji UNIEDA przyjechała do nas z Rzymu. Nasi goście, oprowadzani przez Wiktorię z klasy I D, byli pod ogromnym wrażeniem naszej szkoły, jej wyglądu, wyposażenia, ale przede wszystkim panującej w Kostce atmosfery, zaangażowania uczniów i nauczycieli. Szczególnie cenne było dla nich spotkanie z Ojcem Dyrektorem i przeprowadzony z nim wywiad na temat specyfiki nauczania oraz wymiana doświadczeń z nauczycielami. Oto jak nasi goście wspominają wizytę w Kostce:
“I was very happy and honoured to visit your school, an excellent example of a place which encourages a joy of learning, where the students are not just numbers, where there are no barriers between teachers and learners. I was impressed at the enthusiasm showed by the students, their smiles, their walking confidently in the corridors as if they were at home. I wish I had studied in a school like this! And thanks to the staff for the warm, friendly welcome.”
“I was really impressed by the Jesuits High School where you work. It is an ideal school. It is very modern and well equipped. The students seem to be dynamically involved in the Learning process. They have the chance to try different activities which help them to foster their hidden skills and facilitate both their classes and their work in each areas. I noticed that the teachers apply different kind of strategies in their lessons and the children are particularly engaged. Moreover The students look really proud of their school, their teachers and their achievements. The considerable number of classrooms allow them to learn several subjects through demonstrations which are essential to prove facts through a combination of visual evidence and associated reasoning. Besides it helps to raise students interest and reinforces memory retention. The teachers seem to boost collaboration which makes students participate actively in the Learning process by exchanging their opinions and collaborating. The students interact with the teachers, learn to listen to other students point of view and socialize. My warmest thanks to all of you and a particular thanks to our lovely and perfect teenager guide.”
“We were delighted to have the opportunity to experience this important project firsthand. The facilities are clearly conducive to learning as well as to the social and emotional development of the school’s student body. The teachers were generous with their time and it was clear that they were really, truly invested in the education of their students. I was particularly impressed with the high level of language learning, as evidenced by the eloquence of our student guide. It was refreshing to see students so enthusiastic about, and proud of, their school. This is also a testament to the achievements of the school’s directors and faculty.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that our impression was overwhelmingly positive. Given the school’s social scope, I can only hope that it does indeed become a model for underprivileged school districts everywhere.”